

I’m Christy Fuhrman CMS Advanced, SEC Sake Certified Professional, DipWSET, Certified Bordeaux Educator, Consultant, Educator, Judge, Writer, and Liquid Translator.

Thanks for joining me as I swish, sniff, sip, and learn about amazing beverages in the world.

Book Samples for Review

Book Samples for Review

Who doesn’t love a good book. I will gladly accept and books related to wine, beer, sake and spirits. The books can pertain to any aspect within the beverage industry. Depending on my schedule book reviews will post at different times. Book reviews will post in order which they are received. Sending a book does not guarantee a review. I will do my best to review each book in a timely manner. Please contact me if you would like to send a book.

Wine Samples for Review

Wine Samples for Review